Good Morning KG1 A!
Activity one:
Math (20 minutes)
Dot Cards
Your child will match and arrange objects on the dot cards as they count, add and subtract. Please print
the image below:
the image below:
Give your child 3-4 dot cards and a collection of small objects. Say, ‘For today’s activity we will be using cards and buttons, what do you notice about the cards?” Allow your child to observe the materials.
Comment on what card your child chose to work with first.
You may:
- Encourage them to count out loud. As your child is adding the items to match the dots on the card, you do your own.
- Add more items on to your card and ask your child, How many more do we need to take away? Or add less and ask, How many do I need to take away?
- Use words as, fewer, more, less, same, how many more, how many less, most, and match.
Give your child five minutes warning. Have your child return the unused cards for another activity and clean up together.
Activity two:
Literacy (10 minutes)
Letter hunt
Before starting this activity, write a sticky note for one of these letters Tt, Ss, Nn, Ll, Oo, Bb, Rr, Pp, Gg and Mm (both lower and upper case).
Hide them around the room. Then bring your child and say, I had written down lots of sticky notes with letters on them but I lost them around this room. I wonder if you can help me find my sticky notes.’
As your child finds the sticky notes, ask them what letter they found and place them in a bowl or plastic bag.
When your child finds all the letters, go over the letters and come up with words that start with that letter sound.
Activity 3
Fine Motor skills:
- Allow your child to use an ice cream scoop or spoon to move pom-poms (or any small items) from one bowl to another.
- Ask your child as they are doing the activity, how many do you think you can move with one spoon? Two spoons? Ask them to compare the number of pom poms they can move with one or two spoons. (Measurement)
Thought of the day...
Let's play a game...ask your sister/brother to follow you as we move to
Don't forget to email me a short video of this!
Materials for tomorrow...
- A story book
- Art materials such as paper, scissors, glue, markers and coloring pencils
- A small empty water bottle and rice/beans
Final Notes:
For any questions, please email Ms. Ayesha. She is available between 9:00-2:15 for all your queries.
Do send in pictures of the kids doing their work to the teacher. She will post them under "Our Class"
on the right of this blog.
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