Monday, March 23, 2020

Tuesday, March 24th

Good Morning KG1 A!

Activity 1 

Science (20 minutes)

Dinosaur habitats

Materials needed:  Paper, crayons, glue, scissors and dinosaur template (here)


I wonder where dinosaurs lived?  Did they live on land (like us), in the water (like sea animals) or in the air (like birds)?  Let’s find out.


First, using your coloring materials, color the sea, land and sky. 
Then, let us look at the animals on this paper (dinosaur template). 

You may say:

·      Acknowledge how they have separated the sea, land and sky.  Have they used different colors? Talk to them about their choice of colors.
·      How are the animals on the paper the same?  How are they different?
·      Ask- where do you think these animals would go?  On land, in the sea or the sky? 
·      Ask them to draw other dinosaurs on land, sea and sky. 
Extension: Ask them to name the dinosaurs (real or made up!). Ask them to sound out the names and write them out. Discuss what the dinosaurs ate? Meat or plants?

Give them a 5 minute notice.  Ask them to clean up the materials and return them to their places as they finish up their activity. 

 Activity 2

Literacy (10 minutes)

Rhyming rhythms

Materials needed: Paper and pencil

We will be thinking of rhyming words today.  They may be real or made-up (imaginary) words.  Let’s get started!

Ask them to rhyme the following words: cat, house, fish, mug, boat and pen

You may say:
·      Can you think of more than one word which rhymes with these words?
·      Ask them to make up rhymes to their names and names of their friends/family.  These should be funny, it will encourage them to sound out words and find rhymes. 
Extension: Ask them to sound out and spell out some of these words on paper 

Give them a 5 minute notice.  Ask them to clean up the materials and return them to their places as they finish up their activity. 

 Activity 3

Fine motor (5 minutes)

Take a variety of paper (magazines, newspapers, recycled paper).  Ask a parent to cut into strips (optional). Take a hole puncher and punch out.
Use it as confetti for your next party!

Thought of the day...

Anyone seen how a dinosaur moves?! Click on the link below to find out...

Materials for tomorrow...

  • Pompoms or beans
  • Sticky notes/Post- its
  • Template will be sent to print out

Final Notes:

For any questions, please email Ms. Ayesha. She is available between 9:00-2:15 for all your queries.
Do send in pictures of the kids doing their work to the teacher. She will post them under "Our Class"
on the right of this blog. Please also check the tabs on the right to see work from the 'Special's'.

Sunday, 19th April 2020

We have moved platforms.   Please check your email on Sunday morning!