Sunday, March 29, 2020

Monday 30th, March

Good Morning!

Today, we have an extra special message from one of our classmates, check it out on the 'Our Class' tab above!  And don't forget to check the tab for P.E. and French to find out this week's work.  

A Short Story...

Morning Message!
I love you ritual to get the day started (here)

Activity 1
Math (20 minutes)
Number parts
Materials needed: number cards, (If not available make your own number cards), paper, pencil. 
Children look at numbers to observe which ones have straight and/ or curved parts and then chart and tabulate the results.
Tell your child they are going to look at written numerals to see which ones have straight parts, curved parts, and both.
Let the children explore the numerals
  • Encourage them to examine the parts. Encourage them to name the numbers
  • Comment on the parts of the numbers using vocabulary words such as straight, round, circle, half circle, lines, curves, up and down, sideways, and point. 

As your child is identifying the numbers have them write it down in each column on the chart paper. You can have your child trace the number on their own. 
Extension: Sort, classify and order objects (numbers cards) by size, number, and other properties. 
Give your child 5 minutes notice to end the activity. Together count the numerals in each column.  
Write down the totals in each column and talk about which group has more, less, or the same. Clean up together.

Activity two:
Literacy (15 minutes)
Card making
Materials needed: Paper of different sizes, colors, markers, crayons, any art materials you may have such as feathers, stickers, ribbons ..etc.
Ask your child who they miss the most at school. Tell them for this activity they will be making a card for that person and share the card with them.
If they choose a classmate you can send me the picture and I will email that parent the card your child makes.

Encourage your child to add details to their work. You may encourage them by asking questions such as, I wonder what color their hair is?
I wonder how many hearts you will put on this card? I wonder what colors you will use. 
Extension: Encourage your child to write ‘To’ and the name of the recipient and ‘From’ and the name of the sender.  
End: Give your child a 5 minutes notice to finish their card. Encourage them to clean up and put everything back in their areas. 

Activity 3
Fine Motor skills: (5 minutes)
Tracing lines with pom poms, rocks, pebbles, buttons or any other objects you may have. 
Draw a line on a piece of paper and ask your child to trace the line using the objects.

Thought of the day...

Let's finish the day with some movement (here)! 

Materials for tomorrow:  
  • Yarn, pipe cleaner, 1 cupcake case, a few seeds (any type), leaves from a plant, crayons
  • Stripes of colored paper
  • Crayons 

Final Notes:

For any questions, please email Ms. Ayesha.  

Do send in pictures of the kids doing their work to the teacher.  She will post them under the  "Our Class" tab. 

Sunday, 19th April 2020

We have moved platforms.   Please check your email on Sunday morning!