Good Morning KG1A!
A few morning notes:
- Please check the Mandarin tab to check this week's work
- I look forward to meeting your children on tomorrow's Zoom class meet up!
Morning Movement:
Let's get the morning started by building some connections!
Activity 1
Math (20 minutes)
Car Distance
Your child will be racing cars and then measuring how far their cars will go.
Materials needed: Cars big and small, paper with numbers from 1-20, sticky notes, markers.
Ask your child which car they would like to play with. Ask them which car they think is the fastest and why? Listen to their answers.
Have your child race with you or their siblings. Encourage your child to use the words, fast, faster, fastest, slow, slower, slowest. Tell your child for this activity you have a paper with numbers on it. This paper will help us find out how far the car goes using numbers. (Paper with number as seen in the photo below)
Things you may say:
“My car is 12 numbers far.”
“Your car is 14 numbers more than mine.”
“My car is slower by 2 numbers.”
“His car is the same number as yours.”
Give your child 5 minutes warning to end this activity. Have your child clean up with you.
Extension: You can have a chart with your child and write down the numbers every time you have a race. You can tell your child that you will keep the chart on the fridge or in a safe place for next time they want to work with the cars.
Activity 2
Literacy (10 minutes)
Shopping list
Materials needed: Paper, pencil, colors.
Have your child go to the kitchen and look for things they are missing or items that are finishing.
Give your child a paper and pencil and tell them to write down 10 items they are missing or think need replacement.
Give your child a paper and pencil and tell them to write down 10 items they are missing or think need replacement.
Encourage your child to make a symbol of that item. Listen to your child. Add to their list by telling them something you need them to add to the list.
Encourage your child to write down the beginning sounds of their items. If they can, encourage them to write out all the letters they hear.
You may also help your child to trace the words.
Encourage your child to write down the beginning sounds of their items. If they can, encourage them to write out all the letters they hear.
You may also help your child to trace the words.
Tell your child that the list will be safe on the fridge and they may add to it whenever they want.
Extension: Have your child count and write down the number of each items on the shopping list.
Activity 3
Fine Motor skills: (5 minutes)
Materials needed: Paper, marker and scissors.
Draw on a piece of paper different structures. Encourage them to cut on the line using scissors.
Encourage your child by asking what they think that structure looks. You may also ask your child to draw a structure themselves and cut it.
Thought of the day...
Let's finish the day with some movement (here)!
Materials for tomorrow:
- Paper roll, markers and tape. If paper roll is not available, you may stick A4 papers together to form a longer paper.
- Playdoh, spaghetti and cheerios
Final Notes:
For any questions, please email Ms. Ayesha.
Don't forget to check the tabs for new work for Mandarin
Do send in pictures of the kids doing their work to the teacher. She will post them under the "Our Class" tab.