Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Wednesday 1st April

Good Morning KG1A! 

A few morning notes:

  • Please check the Mandarin tab to check this week's work
  • I look forward to meeting your children on tomorrow's Zoom class meet up! 

Morning Movement: 

Let's get the morning started by building some connections! 

Activity 1

Math (20 minutes) 
Car Distance  
Your child will be racing cars and then measuring how far their cars will go. 
Materials needed: Cars big and small, paper with numbers from 1-20, sticky notes, markers.
Ask your child which car they would like to play with. Ask them which car they think is the fastest and why? Listen to their answers. 
Have your child race with you or their siblings. Encourage your child to use the words, fast, faster, fastest, slow, slower, slowest. Tell your child for this activity you have a paper with numbers on it. This paper will help us find out how far the car goes using numbers. (Paper with number as seen in the photo below)
Things you may say: 
“My car is 12 numbers far.” 
“Your car is 14 numbers more than mine.”
“My car is slower by 2 numbers.”
“His car is the same number as yours.” 
Give your child 5 minutes warning to end this activity. Have your child clean up with you.
Extension: You can have a chart with your child and write down the numbers every time you have a race. You can tell your child that you will keep the chart on the fridge or in a safe place for next time they want to work with the cars.

Activity 2

Literacy (10 minutes)
Shopping list
Materials needed: Paper, pencil, colors.
Have your child go to the kitchen and look for things they are missing or items that are finishing.  
Give your child a paper and pencil and tell them to write down 10 items they are missing or think need replacement.

Encourage your child to make a symbol of that item. Listen to your child. Add to their list by telling them something you need them to add to the list.
Encourage your child to write down the beginning sounds of their items. If they can, encourage them to write out all the letters they hear.
You may also help your child to trace the words.

Tell your child that the list will be safe on the fridge and they may add to it whenever they want. 
Extension: Have your child count and write down the number of each items on the shopping list. 

Activity 3
Fine Motor skills: (5 minutes)
Materials needed: Paper, marker and scissors. 
Draw on a piece of paper different structures. Encourage them to cut on the line using scissors.
Encourage your child by asking what they think that structure looks. You may also ask your child to draw a structure themselves and cut it.  

A word from our counselor 

Please press (here)

Thought of the day...

Let's finish the day with some movement (here)

Materials for tomorrow:  
  • Paper roll, markers and tape.  If paper roll is not available, you may stick A4 papers together to form a longer paper. 
  • Playdoh, spaghetti and cheerios 

Final Notes:

For any questions, please email Ms. Ayesha.  

Don't forget to check the tabs for new work for Mandarin   

Do send in pictures of the kids doing their work to the teacher.  She will post them under the  "Our Class" tab. 

Monday, March 30, 2020

Tuesday, 31st March

Good Morning KG1A!

Morning movement 

Activity 1
Science (20 minutes)
Parts of a plant
Materials needed: Yarn, a pipe cleaner (or green strip of paper), leaves from the garden, crepe paper, seeds (e.g. melon), paper and glue. 
Please note all these items may be substituted for materials available at home.

Spring is here!  There are birds chirping and butterflies fluttering around us.  It is also the time we see flowers around us in gardens and parks. 
Today, we will discover the parts of a plant.

-We will start with the stem.  This holds the plant straight. (Pipe cleaner)
-We will add some roots  on the bottom of the stem (Yarn).  The roots make sure the plant does not fall. 
 Do you remember when we turned bean plants in class upside down- they didn't fall out!

-We will now add with glue some leaves onto the side of your plant (Real leaves).  These make food for the plant. 
-We will now stick the seeds inside your cupcake case.  This case we will stick on top of the stem as a flower.
-In the end, we will draw out the petals of the flower using crayons.  Make them any color and shape you want! 
As they do this, you may:
  • Acknowledge their work and comments
  • Ask them to predict what would happen if there were no roots or stems holding the plant

Extension- You may ask your child to label the different parts of the plant (using the beginning letters of each- Petal, Stem, Leaves, Seeds and Roots)    
Give your child a 5 minute notice to complete their activity.  Ask them to clean up the materials they have used. 



Activity 2
Fine motor (10 minutes)
Paper chains 
Materials neededTwo colored paper. Scissors and glue
You have made paper chains in class to count down to a special day. Today, we will make a letter paper chain! I wonder what
letters you would add to your paper chain?
-Ask the child to cut strips from the colored paper.  Allow them to cut as many strips as they want. They do not need to be the same width.   
Discuss the number of strips they have cut. Discuss which of the strips are wider or thinner.

-Ask them to write down any letter they want onto each strips
-Ask them to connect the strips, one by one to each other by first passing the strip into the closed circle and then closing it with glue.  Continue, until all the strips are used up. Discuss how the circle chains are like the letter O- they need to be closed to make this project work!
You may want to 
  • Acknowledge their cutting skills as they cut the strips 
  • Ask them if they want to connect the links in a color or letter pattern

Extension: Encourage your child to make words out of the letter chains they made.
Give them a 5 minute notice to complete their activity. Ask them if they want to send a picture to the teacher for the blog. Would they like to continue adding to their chain at another time? 
Learn the Alphabet & How to Make a Paper Chain Reusable | Alphabet ...

Activity 3 
Literacy (5 minutes)
Letter O! Circles in different sizes
Materials needed: Crayons or paints, white paper and pencil.
Circles look similar to the letter 0. Ask your child to use their crayons to make circles of different sizes. They may make them large, medium or small sizes (use these terms). They may also want to make them inside each other. Comment on your child's work by stating what they are doing.

 Color Matching Watercolor Activity | Shapes preschool, Teaching ...

A word from our Counsellor 

Thought of the day...

Let's finish the day with some movement (here)! 

Materials for tomorrow:  
  • Cars (large and small), markers, paper and sticky notes

Final Notes:

For any questions, please email Ms. Ayesha.  

Don't forget to check the tabs for new work from the P.E. and Art teacher.  

Do send in pictures of the kids doing their work to the teacher.  She will post them under the  "Our Class" tab. 

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Monday 30th, March

Good Morning!

Today, we have an extra special message from one of our classmates, check it out on the 'Our Class' tab above!  And don't forget to check the tab for P.E. and French to find out this week's work.  

A Short Story...

Morning Message!
I love you ritual to get the day started (here)

Activity 1
Math (20 minutes)
Number parts
Materials needed: number cards, (If not available make your own number cards), paper, pencil. 
Children look at numbers to observe which ones have straight and/ or curved parts and then chart and tabulate the results.
Tell your child they are going to look at written numerals to see which ones have straight parts, curved parts, and both.
Let the children explore the numerals
  • Encourage them to examine the parts. Encourage them to name the numbers
  • Comment on the parts of the numbers using vocabulary words such as straight, round, circle, half circle, lines, curves, up and down, sideways, and point. 

As your child is identifying the numbers have them write it down in each column on the chart paper. You can have your child trace the number on their own. 
Extension: Sort, classify and order objects (numbers cards) by size, number, and other properties. 
Give your child 5 minutes notice to end the activity. Together count the numerals in each column.  
Write down the totals in each column and talk about which group has more, less, or the same. Clean up together.

Activity two:
Literacy (15 minutes)
Card making
Materials needed: Paper of different sizes, colors, markers, crayons, any art materials you may have such as feathers, stickers, ribbons ..etc.
Ask your child who they miss the most at school. Tell them for this activity they will be making a card for that person and share the card with them.
If they choose a classmate you can send me the picture and I will email that parent the card your child makes.

Encourage your child to add details to their work. You may encourage them by asking questions such as, I wonder what color their hair is?
I wonder how many hearts you will put on this card? I wonder what colors you will use. 
Extension: Encourage your child to write ‘To’ and the name of the recipient and ‘From’ and the name of the sender.  
End: Give your child a 5 minutes notice to finish their card. Encourage them to clean up and put everything back in their areas. 

Activity 3
Fine Motor skills: (5 minutes)
Tracing lines with pom poms, rocks, pebbles, buttons or any other objects you may have. 
Draw a line on a piece of paper and ask your child to trace the line using the objects.

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Sunday 29th March

Good Morning KG1A! 

Morning movement! 

I love you ritual: Three nice mice

Activity 1
Literacy (20 minutes)
Words their way- Letter Recognition 
Please print out the pages linked below. If you do not have access to a printer, you may copy these letters out and ask your child to sort them.
Today, we will be revisiting some of the letter’s you’ve learnt in class.  We will be looking at the letter L, K and O.  
-Let us think of some words which begin with the letter L, K and O.  (Give your child some time to come up with words.)
You may:
  • Suggest some words e.g. 
    • /L/ for lion, lamb, light, leg and lettuce!
    • /K/ for kangaroo, koala, king, kite (Please note, if they say any words which start with the letter C instead of K, it is ok at this stage in their development)
    • /O/ for octopus, owl, orange, olive, ocean
-Ask them to identify each letter and cut the letters out on the lines. (First page)
-Ask them to paste the upper and lowercase letters under the correct column. (Page 2)
Extension-  On the back side of the paper, they may draw out pictures of objects starting with the letters L, K and O.  
Give your child a 5 minute notice.  Ask them to clean up the paper scraps and put back the materials in their places.  Send a picture of their finished work to the teacher. 

Letter O Formation

Letter K Formation

  Letter L Formation

Activity 2 
Fine motor skills (10) minutes
Q-tip Finger Press  
Materials needed:  Q-tips and paint.  Q-tips can be substituted by using the eraser end of a pencil also.
Today, we will be creating an artwork using dots!  You have some pots of paint and Q-tips in front of you.  Use one Q-tip for each color (3-4 colors)  and think of what you would like to paint today.
Once your child has decided what to paint, ask them to dip the Q-tips into the paint and get started. 
They may use one color, all the colors or even mix the colors of paint!  
You may ask them:
  • Which colors have you decided to use?  If they mix the colors- ask them to predict the colors which will come out. 
  • What happens if you press the Q-tip softly or strongly into the paint? Does it affect how much paint you can get on your Q-tip?  How does it affect your painting?
  • Acknowledge their artwork and their choices 
  • How can they make lines with their Q- tips.  (They may choose to draw dotted lines or use long strokes to make lines)                                                                                                      

Extension: Ask your child to include pictures with letter O or objects from around the house.
End: Give your child a 5 minute notice for ending the activity.  Encourage them to clean up the materials they have used.
Would they like to send a picture of their artwork to the teacher to put up on the blog?

Activity 3
Math (5 minutes)
Q-tip Patterns
Materials needed: Q-tips (or the end of a pencil), paint (2-3 colors)  and 2-3 strips of white paper. 
We will continue using Q-tips for our work today in Math.  Take a paper strip. Using 2-3 colored paint, make a pattern based on colors.
Remember, a pattern is something that is repeated three times or more.You may want to acknowledge their pattern, saying out loud the colors. For example, “Yellow, blue, blue, yellow, blue, blue, yellow, blue, blue”
Extension:  Ask your child to use dots and straight lines to make a pattern (using one color paint).

Thought of the day...

Let's celebrate the first day of the week with some movement! 

Materials for tomorrow:  

  • Art materials
  • Pebbles or beans

Final Notes:

For any questions, please email Ms. Ayesha.  

Do send in pictures of the kids doing their work to the teacher.  She will post them under the  "Our Class" tab. 

Sunday, 19th April 2020

We have moved platforms.   Please check your email on Sunday morning!