Saturday, April 4, 2020

Sunday 5th April

Good Morning KG1 A! 

Morning message:

  • Please check the Special class tabs throughout week as the teachers update their activities
  • Any special news in the family you would like to share, please email me! 

Activity 1

Literacy (20 minutes)
Journal writing- Spring is in the air! 
Materials needed: writing and coloring materials and a print out of the journal paper (here)

It’s a beautiful day outside!  Pop outside or open the window to see what is happening outside. 

Provide writing and coloring materials. Ask them to draw out what they imagine Spring to be like. 

You may say:
·      I wonder what types of birds are out. 
·      I wonder what type of flowers you can see (you can reference last week’s Science activity).
·      Acknowledge their drawings.  Ask them questions about it. 
·      Encourage them to label some parts of the drawings themselves.  
Extension:  Ask them to write a sentence on what they have drawn.  Remind them to leave a ‘finger space’ between the words in their sentence. 
 A simple sentence such as “I go outside” is sufficient at this stage.

Let the children know they have 5 minutes to complete their work.  Find a place in the house where they can hang the picture.
Ask them if they would like to send it to the teacher so she can put it up on the blog.

Note: Please keep this page safe, I will be asking the children to share them next week.

Activity 2
Math (10 minutes)
Foil basketball  
Materials needed: 20 balls made from foil (If foil is not available, you may used recycled paper).  A basket or container. Paper and pencil to record results


Today, we will be playing a game of basketball!  First, on your paper, draw a line in the middle. Put a check on one side and a cross (x) in the other column.  
You have 20 balls (spheres).  You need to stand at a baseline (start from the same line each time).  


-Try to throw the ball into the basket one at a time.  
-After each attempt, your child will record their results on their paper.  They will make a tally mark under the check if they scored a basket.
They will make a tally mark under the x if they did not make a basket.  
-Continue the game until all the balls have finished
-Once completed, your child will count the tally marks and let the adult know if they got more balls in or outside the basket. 
Extension: Ask your child to write down the number of balls in each column.  Ask them to repeat the activity from a further distance and then compare their results.  You may ask them which distance allowed them to get more baskets? How many more?  

Give your child a 5 minute notice to finish the activity.  You may ask them to keep the balls aside so they can play it with a sibling/person at a later time.  

Materials Needed

Activity 3 
Fine motor skills (5 minutes)
Materials: Long roll of paper (or stick the edges of 5 A4 papers together to form a long paper). Tape, marker and a pair of scissors 
Stick one side of the paper onto a wall or easel.  The remainder of the paper remains loose.
Using a thick stroke, draw a squiggle line from the top to the bottom of the paper with the marker. 
Ask your child to start at the bottom of the paper and cut along the line to the top of the paper.  You may draw multiple lines for them to cut.  

Thought of the day...

You've seen this before, but here it is once more!   (here)

Materials for tomorrow:
  • Play doh
  • Shoe with laces or a jacket with a zip

Final Notes:

For any questions, please email Ms. Ayesha.   

Do send in pictures of the kids doing their work to the teacher.  She will post them under the  "Our Class" tab.

Have a great weekend! 

Sunday, 19th April 2020

We have moved platforms.   Please check your email on Sunday morning!